Laís Lim | US
holds a BA in Management from UFBA (Brazil, 2006). She has worked for international corporations for 4 years, taught English in Brazil for a year and Portuguese in the Netherland for 3 years. Laís has studied English in the US, French in Belgium, Dutch in the Netherlands and also Spanish. 

Alan Guedes | US
holds a BA in Management from USP (Brazil, 2002) and a MSc in International Development Studies from UvA (Netherlands, 2007). He has been working in the Development field for 13 years, taught English in Brazil for two years and Portuguese in Colombia, in the US and Netherlands. Alan has studied languages for a long time in many countries, including Morocco (French), Spain and Colombia (Spanish), the Netherlands (Dutch) and the US (English).

Mila van Westerop-Costa | | NL
Holds a BA in Modern Languages from UFBA (Brazil, 2000) and a MA in Applied Linguistics from Reading University (UK, 2003).  In Brazil, she taught English for 13 years and was a translator/ interpreter for 2 years before she moved to the Netherlands. Since then she’s been working at multinational corporations and giving part time Portuguese classes. Mila is passionate about languages and studied English in the US, New Zealand, and the UK,  German in Germany and Dutch in the Netherlands and she is currently taking lessons to improve her Spanish skills.